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Find a venue near me - Jigsaw Conferences

Holiday Inn London West

4 Portal Way, Gypsy Corner/A40 , London , London , W3 6RT , London

Meeting rooms

Kensington Suite - 12

This room doesn't have description yet.
Current price
£35.00 Per Delegate
Price history
Per Day Per Hour Per Half Day Per Delegate
Average price of simillar rooms in this region (London)
£1,847.34 £176.74 £1,028.93 £58.50

Trafalgar Suite - 16

This room doesn't have description yet.
Current price
£35.00 Per Delegate
Price history
Per Day Per Hour Per Half Day Per Delegate
Average price of simillar rooms in this region (London)
£1,847.34 £176.74 £1,028.93 £58.50

Strand Suite - 16

This room doesn't have description yet.
Current price
£350.00 Per Day
£250.00 Per Half Day
£35.00 Per Delegate
Price history
Per Day Per Hour Per Half Day Per Delegate
£350.00 £250.00 £35.00
Average price of simillar rooms in this region (London)
£1,847.34 £176.74 £1,028.93 £58.50

Piccadilly Suite - 16

This room doesn't have description yet.
Current price
£350.00 Per Day
£250.00 Per Half Day
£35.00 Per Delegate
Price history
Per Day Per Hour Per Half Day Per Delegate
£350.00 £250.00 £35.00
Average price of simillar rooms in this region (London)
£1,847.34 £176.74 £1,028.93 £58.50

Mayfair Suite - 16

This room doesn't have description yet.
Current price
£350.00 Per Day
£250.00 Per Half Day
£35.00 Per Delegate
Price history
Per Day Per Hour Per Half Day Per Delegate
£350.00 £250.00 £35.00
Average price of simillar rooms in this region (London)
£1,847.34 £176.74 £1,028.93 £58.50

Westminster Suite - 26

This room doesn't have description yet.
Current price
£450.00 Per Day
£350.00 Per Half Day
£35.00 Per Delegate
Price history
Per Day Per Hour Per Half Day Per Delegate
£450.00 £350.00 £35.00
Average price of simillar rooms in this region (London)
£1,847.34 £176.74 £1,028.93 £58.50

Skyline Suite - 25

This room doesn't have description yet.
Current price
£490.00 Per Day
£400.00 Per Half Day
£35.00 Per Delegate
Price history
Per Day Per Hour Per Half Day Per Delegate
£490.00 £400.00 £35.00
Average price of simillar rooms in this region (London)
£1,847.34 £176.74 £1,028.93 £58.50
Standar Room

Standar Room

Room type: Single
This room doesn't have description yet.