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Best Western Bradford Guide Post Hotel

Common Road , Low Moor , West Yorkshire , Bradford , BD12 0ST , West Yorkshire

Meeting rooms

Spa Bar - 100

This room doesn't have description yet.
Current price
£130.00 Per Day
£70.00 Per Half Day
£30.00 Per Hour
£25.00 Per Delegate
Price history
Per Day Per Hour Per Half Day Per Delegate
£130.00 £30.00 £70.00 £25.00
£220.00 £130.00 £28.00
Average price of simillar rooms in this region (Yorkshire and the Humber)
£355.51 £55.07 £212.67 £30.32

Poppy Suite - 100

This room doesn't have description yet.
Current price
£120.00 Per Day
£65.00 Per Half Day
£25.00 Per Delegate
Price history
Per Day Per Hour Per Half Day Per Delegate
£120.00 £65.00 £25.00
Average price of simillar rooms in this region (Yorkshire and the Humber)
£355.51 £55.07 £212.67 £30.32
Double with King Size Bed

Double with King Size Bed

Room type: Double
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